Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I want to be someone else.


This is Beth Phoenix. I want to look like her. She isn't the skinniest girl in the world, but I think she is absolutely sexy and gorgeous. My goal is to get to her size and have her confidence. 

My weight loss is at a stop. I reached my summer goal of 250, but lately I've been binging. School is about to start and I'm stressed about moving and being away from my boyfriend and family. I'm hoping during my time away, my weight loss will continue and when I come home from breaks everyone will notice my progress ^^ There will be lots of walking and I didn't get a meal plan so no food to temp me. 

I'm going to have plenty of time to reflect on myself and better myself. Its going to be a long lonely road ahead of me for a while. Hopefully I can pull through, finish school, and reach my goals.
Best wishes and thinness,
xo Veetah xo